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Fisher-Price Rock ‘n Play Sleeper Recall

Fisher-Price Rock ‘n Play Recall

4.7 million Rock ‘N Play inclined infant sleepers have been recalled by the manufacturer, Fisher-Price. The recall follows the tragic loss of more than two dozen infants who were using their device at the time of their untimely passing. Both the Consumer Product Safety Commission and the American Academy of Pediatrics advise parents against using the product with their babies.

If there is a Fisher-Price Rock ‘N Play inclined sleeper in your home, stop using it immediately and contact the manufacturer for a remedy. If using the product has led to injuries or a death in your family, consider taking legal action.

Why Inclined Sleepers Are Dangerous

Inclined sleeper products like the Fisher-Price Rock ‘N Play are designed to help babies fall asleep by putting them at an incline and rocking them to sleep. Unfortunately, this design poses a serious risk to a user’s health. Babies who fall asleep in an inclined sleeper may roll to their sides or stomachs, leading to suffocation.

Inclined infant sleepers have been linked to dozens of suffocation deaths. Manufacturers have yanked the products from store shelves, but countless infant sleepers remain in households across the country.

Litigation Against Fisher-Price

A number of families impacted by this dangerous design are taking legal action against Fisher-Price. If your family lost a child and you suspect the Rock ‘N Play contributed to that loss, you may be eligible to file a lawsuit against the manufacturer. Families who have suffered this kind of loss deserve justice. Successful lawsuits against Fisher-Price may force them to remove other dangerous products from the market. Some companies only make significant changes to their product development strategy when they’re forced to pay substantial settlements to families.

Every case is different, but families may be eligible for compensation for their medical expenses, funeral costs, pain and suffering, and emotional damages.

Consult with Our Dangerous Product Lawyers

We’re currently investigating Fisher-Price Rock ‘N Play sleeper cases. If your baby was injured, or you lost a child, to this dangerous product, reach out to our team as soon as possible. We’re ready to fight for your family and hold negligent companies responsible for their products. Call today to schedule your free consultation 877.544.5323.