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Kids II Rocking Sleeper Recall

Unsafe Baby Product Lawyers

Kids II Rocking Sleeper Recalled After Infant Deaths

There are few things as tragic as the loss of a child. That tragedy is exponentially harder to cope with when it could have been prevented. As of April 2019, Kids II has recalled more than 700,000 of their Rocking Sleepers. A fatal design flaw caused infants to suffocate when sleeping in the device. 

With at least 30 varieties of the Kids II Rocking Sleeper products on the market, it can be challenging to keep up with them all. If you own any kind of sleeper product designed by Kids II, check to see if it has been included in the recall. Discontinue use immediately and contact the manufacturer for a refund.

If your child suffered an injury or died while using a Kids II Rocking Sleeper, read on to learn the answers to a few FAQs about bringing a claim against Fisher-Price:

What Models are Included in the Recall?

The full list of the Rocking Sleeper names and model numbers are as follows:

  • Bright Starts Playtime To Bedtime Rocking Sleeper (10081)
  • Rock & Dream Sleeper – Iggy (10126)
  • Ingenuity Rock And Dream Sleeper Lucy (10127)
  • Ingenuity Moonlight Rocking Sleeper Cuddle Giraffe (10148)
  • Bright Starts Pretty In Pink Playtime To Bedtime Rocking Sleeper (10178)
  • Ingenuity Smartrock Poweradapt Sleeper Cambridge (10289)
  • Ingenuity Rock N’ Soothe Sleeper Dayton (10292)
  • Automatic Rock ‘N Soothe Sleeper – Cuddle Lamb (10320)
  • Ingenuity Moonlight Rocking Sleeper Cuddle Lion (10380)
  • Ingenuity Soothing Light Rocking Sleeper Vesper (10568)
  • Bright Starts Toucan Tango Rocking Sleeper (10729)
  • Ingenuity Moonlight Rocking Sleeper Zoo Zoo Zebra (10872)
  • DreamComfort Automatic Rocking Sleeper – Whitley (10888)
  • DreamComfort Soothing Light Rocking Sleeper – Addington (10890)
  • Bright Starts Rocking Sleeper Jungle Bursts (11021)
  • Bright Starts Pretty In Pink Rocking Sleeper Jungle Blooms (11022)
  • Rock n’ Soothe Sleeper – Moxley (11063)
  • Ingenuity Moonlight Rocking Sleeper Lullaby Lion (11164)
  • Ingenuity Rock N’ Soothe Sleeper SUNNY SNUGGLES (11171)
  • Ingenuity Rock N’ Soothe Sleeper DAYTON (11357)
  • Ingenuity Dream Comfort Automatic Rocking Sleeper Braden (11429)
  • DreamComfort Automatic Rocking Sleeper – Anders (11714)
  • Automatic Rock ‘n Soothe Sleeper – Nolan (11792)
  • Bright Starts ROCKING SLEEPER – JUNGLE GARDEN (11894)
  • Bright Starts ROCKING SLEEPER – EVENING SAFARI (11895)
  • Automatic Rock ‘n Soothe Sleeper – Flora the Unicorn (11962)
  • Automatic Rock N Soothe Sleeper – Nolan – Display (12115)
  • Taggies Snuggle Me Sleeper Nestling Vine (60130)
  • Bright Starts Playtime To Bedtime Sleeper (60131)
  • Bright Starts Pretty In Pink Playtime To Bedtime Sleeper (60163)
  • Ingenuity Moonlight Rocking Sleeper Deluxe Emerson (60327)
  • Disney Baby/Bright Starts Bows & Butterflies Sleeper Minnie Mouse (60328)
  • Ingenuity Moonlight Rocking Sleeper Lullaby Lamb (60331)
  • Bright Starts Playtime To Bedtime Sleeper Playful Pinwheels (60401)
  • Ingenuity Moonlight Rocking Sleeper Deluxe Winslow (60600)
  • Ingenuity Moonlight Rocking Sleeper Deluxe Seneca (60635)

Are Rocking Sleepers Really That Dangerous?

Yes. According to the American Academy of Pediatricians, babies between 3 months and 1 year old are at a higher risk of sudden unexpected infant death (SUID) if they sleep on soft bedding since they can roll over from supine to prone without being able to correct their position, thus resulting in asphyxiation and possible death. 

(If your child has used a Kids II Rocking Sleeper but hasn’t suffered an injury, you can find more information about the recall—as well as potential refunds and vouchers—by visiting this website.)

Do I Have Grounds for a Lawsuit Against Kids II?

The easiest way to find out if your case has merit is to speak with a Kids II Rocking Sleeper lawsuit attorney. Generally speaking, you may have grounds for a claim if your infant suffered an injury or died while using a Kids II Rocking Sleeper.

For your claim to be successful, it must be shown that:

  • The sleeper model your child was using was somehow defective;
  • Your child suffered an injury or died; and
  • The defect was the proximate cause of your child’s injury or death.

With the help of a skilled product liability lawyer, it may be possible for you to hold the manufacturer financially accountable for any damages your family has suffered.

Schedule a Free Consultation

Our product liability lawyers can evaluate the facts of your case, answer your questions, and help you determine the most strategic way to proceed. We offer free consultations to all prospective clients. To speak with a member of our team, call 877-544-5323 or send us an email.